Noon & Meem Mushaddad



Noon & Meem Mushaddad (نّ & مّ)


Noon Mushaddad (نّ) and Meem Mushaddad (مّ) refer to the Noon (ن) or Meem (م) letters that are accompanied by a Shaddah (ّ), indicating that the letter should be pronounced with emphasis or doubling. In tajweed, special attention is given to these letters as they require a nasal sound (Ghunnah) when recited.

The Rule of Noon & Meem Mushaddad

When encountering a Noon Mushaddad (نّ) or Meem Mushaddad (مّ) in recitation, it is essential to apply a nasal sound (Ghunnah) for a duration of two beats. This nasalization gives the recitation a melodious and rhythmic quality while maintaining proper tajweed.

Rule Letter Result
Ghunnah نّ Nasal sound for 2 beats
Ghunnah مّ Nasal sound for 2 beats

Pronunciation Guide

To correctly apply the Ghunnah when reciting Noon or Meem Mushaddad:

  1. When you reach the Noon or Meem Mushaddad, prepare to pronounce the letter with emphasis.
  2. Engage your nasal cavity to produce the Ghunnah sound for a full two beats.
  3. Ensure that the sound is consistent and flows smoothly into the following letter without a break.


Examples of Noon & Meem Mushaddad

Here are some examples of Noon and Meem Mushaddad with correct Ghunnah:

With Noon Mushaddad

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio


innaa Indeed, We


al-jannah the Paradise

With Meem Mushaddad

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio


ammaa As for


hamaalata carrier

Practical Application

To practice the rule of Noon and Meem Mushaddad, try reciting the following Quranic verses, paying close attention to the application of Ghunnah:

إِنَّا أَعْطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ ﴿١﴾

Transliteration: Innaa a’taynaaka al-kawthar

Meaning: Indeed, We have granted you, [O Muhammad], al-Kawthar

Note: Observe the Ghunnah in “Innaa” (إِنَّا), where the Noon Mushaddad is pronounced with a nasal sound.

وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ ﴿٣﴾

Transliteration: Wamimmaa razaqnaahum yunfiqoon

Meaning: And from what We have provided them, they spend

Note: Notice the Ghunnah in “wamimmaa” (وَمِمَّا), where the Meem Mushaddad is pronounced with emphasis and a nasal sound.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not applying the Ghunnah sound or shortening its duration
  • Pronouncing the Noon or Meem Mushaddad without emphasis
  • Breaking the flow of recitation between the Mushaddad letter and the following letter
  • Confusing Mushaddad letters with similar tajweed rules, such as Idgham or Ikhfaa

Tips for Mastery

  1. Listen to expert recitations to understand the proper application of Ghunnah
  2. Record yourself reciting verses with Noon and Meem Mushaddad and compare with professional recitations
  3. Practice regularly, focusing on maintaining the nasal sound for the full duration
  4. Use diagrams and visual aids to understand the correct mouth and nasal positions
  5. Seek feedback from a knowledgeable teacher to correct any mistakes in pronunciation


Mastering the pronunciation of Noon and Meem Mushaddad is essential for beautiful and accurate Quranic recitation. By applying the Ghunnah correctly and consistently, you contribute to the melodious flow of the Quran and ensure that your recitation adheres to the rules of tajweed. With regular practice and careful listening, you can achieve proficiency in this important aspect of Quranic recitation.