Meem Sakinah



Meem Sakinah (مْ)


Meem Sakinah refers to the Arabic letter Meem (م) when it carries a sukoon (ْ), meaning that it is pronounced without a vowel sound. In tajweed, the rules governing the pronunciation of Meem Sakinah are crucial for accurate and melodious recitation of the Quran. The rules focus on how Meem Sakinah interacts with the letters that follow it.

Rules of Meem Sakinah

There are three main rules related to the pronunciation of Meem Sakinah in different contexts:

Rule Description Example
Ikhfa’ Shafawi (إخفاء شفوي) This rule applies when Meem Sakinah is followed by the letter “Baa” (ب). The Meem is pronounced with a slight nasal sound (Ghunnah) without fully merging with the “Baa”. يَعْلَمْ بِكُمْ
Idgham Shafawi (إدغام شفوي) This rule applies when Meem Sakinah is followed by another Meem (م). In this case, the two Meems are merged into one, with a clear nasal sound (Ghunnah). كَمْ مِنْ
Ithhar Shafawi (إظهار شفوي) This rule applies when Meem Sakinah is followed by any of the other letters of the alphabet. The Meem is pronounced clearly without any nasalization or merging. أَمْرُهُ

Pronunciation Guide

To correctly apply the rules of Meem Sakinah:

  1. When Meem Sakinah is followed by “Baa” (Ikhfa’ Shafawi), soften the Meem sound and engage the nasal cavity for a slight Ghunnah.
  2. When Meem Sakinah is followed by another Meem (Idgham Shafawi), merge the two Meems and prolong the nasal sound.
  3. When Meem Sakinah is followed by any other letter (Ithhar Shafawi), pronounce the Meem clearly without merging or nasalization.


Examples of Meem Sakinah

Here are some examples of Meem Sakinah in different contexts:

Ikhfa’ Shafawi (إخفاء شفوي)

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio

يَعْلَمْ بِكُمْ

ya’lam bikum knows about you

Idgham Shafawi (إدغام شفوي)

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio

كَمْ مِنْ

kam min how many of

Ithhar Shafawi (إظهار شفوي)

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio


amruhu his command

Practical Application

To practice the rules of Meem Sakinah, recite the following Quranic verses, paying attention to the context of the Meem Sakinah:

يَعْلَمْ بِكُمْ إِذَا قُمْتُمْ ﴿٧﴾

Transliteration: ya’lam bikum idhaa qumtum

Meaning: He knows about you when you arise

Note: Observe the Ikhfa’ Shafawi in “ya’lam bikum” (يَعْلَمْ بِكُمْ), where the Meem Sakinah is followed by “Baa”.

كَمْ مِنْ قَرْيَةٍ ﴿١٧﴾

Transliteration: kam min qaryatin

Meaning: how many a town

Note: Notice the Idgham Shafawi in “kam min” (كَمْ مِنْ), where the Meem Sakinah is followed by another Meem.

أَمْرُهُ فَإِذَا

Transliteration: amruhu fa-idhaa

Meaning: His command, so when

Note: The Ithhar Shafawi is observed in “amruhu” (أَمْرُهُ), where the Meem Sakinah is followed by a Ra, which is not pronounced with nasalization or merging.

Tips for Mastery

  1. Practice reciting verses with Meem Sakinah in different contexts to understand the application of the rules.
  2. Listen to expert reciters to hear the proper pronunciation and nuances in applying these rules.
  3. Use diagrams and visual aids to understand the correct mouth and nasal positions.
  4. Record yourself and compare your recitation with professional recitations to identify areas for improvement.
  5. Seek guidance from a knowledgeable teacher to correct any mistakes in pronunciation.


Understanding and applying the rules of Meem Sakinah is vital for accurate Quranic recitation. By mastering these rules, you contribute to the beauty and precision of your recitation, ensuring that it adheres to the principles of tajweed. Regular practice and attentive listening will help you achieve proficiency in this essential aspect of Quranic pronunciation.