Ikhfaa Shafawy

Ikhfaa Shafawy (إخفاء شفوي)


Ikhfaa Shafawy (إخفاء شفوي) is a rule of tajweed related to the pronunciation of the letter Meem (م) when it is in a state of sukoon (ْ) and followed by the letter Baa (ب). This rule dictates that the Meem should be pronounced with a slight nasal sound, known as Ghunnah, without fully merging with the following Baa. The word “Ikhfaa” means “to hide,” and in this context, it refers to the subtle and soft pronunciation of the Meem, making it less prominent.

Application of Ikhfaa Shafawy

When reciting the Quran, Ikhfaa Shafawy occurs when a Meem Sakinah (مْ) is directly followed by a Baa (ب). The Meem is not completely merged with the Baa, nor is it pronounced fully; instead, it is slightly hidden, producing a sound that involves the nasal cavity.

Steps for Correct Pronunciation

  1. Identify the presence of Meem Sakinah followed by Baa in the verse.
  2. Prepare to pronounce the Meem with a slight nasalization (Ghunnah).
  3. Ensure that the Meem is pronounced softly, without fully merging with the Baa.
  4. Maintain a subtle balance where the Meem is not fully enunciated, but the sound is still discernible.

Examples of Ikhfaa Shafawy

Below are some examples of Ikhfaa Shafawy from the Quran:

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio

يَعْلَمْ بِكُمْ

ya’lam bikum knows about you

يَسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُم بِهِم

yastaghfir lahum bihim seeks forgiveness for them

فَحَكَمَ بَيْنَكُم

fahakama baynakum then judged between you

Pronunciation Guide

To correctly apply Ikhfaa Shafawy, follow these tips:

  • Nasalization: Focus on engaging the nasal cavity to produce the Ghunnah sound, which is crucial for Ikhfaa Shafawy.
  • Subtlety: Ensure the Meem is not fully pronounced but is slightly hidden in the sound, creating a soft transition to the Baa.
  • Practice: Repeatedly practice verses with Ikhfaa Shafawy to master the balance between clarity and subtlety in pronunciation.

Common Mistakes

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when applying Ikhfaa Shafawy:

  • Overemphasizing the Meem: Pronouncing the Meem too clearly, which eliminates the subtlety required for Ikhfaa Shafawy.
  • Merging the Meem with Baa: Fully merging the Meem with the Baa, which creates an incorrect Idgham (merging) instead of Ikhfaa.
  • Skipping the Ghunnah: Failing to produce the nasal sound, which is a key feature of Ikhfaa Shafawy.

Practical Application

To practice Ikhfaa Shafawy, try reciting these verses:

يَعْلَمْ بِكُمْ إِذَا قُمْتُمْ ﴿٧﴾

Transliteration: ya’lam bikum idhaa qumtum

Meaning: He knows about you when you arise

Note: Pay attention to the Ikhfaa Shafawy in “ya’lam bikum” (يَعْلَمْ بِكُمْ).

وَمَنْ يُطِعِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ ﴿٨﴾

Transliteration: wa-man yutiʿi allaha wa-rasulahu

Meaning: And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger

Note: Notice the Ikhfaa Shafawy in “wa-man” (وَمَنْ).


Ikhfaa Shafawy is a subtle yet significant rule in tajweed that ensures the melodious and accurate recitation of the Quran. Mastering this rule requires practice, attention to detail, and understanding the delicate balance between the letters involved. By focusing on the principles outlined here, you can enhance your recitation and deepen your connection with the words of the Quran.