
Al-Madd (المد)


Al-Madd, or “elongation,” is a fundamental rule in tajweed that refers to the prolongation of certain vowels during recitation. This rule ensures the proper pronunciation and rhythm of the Quranic text, enhancing its clarity and melody. Al-Madd is essential for maintaining the beauty and accuracy of Quranic recitation.

Types of Al-Madd

There are several types of Al-Madd, each with specific rules and characteristics:

Type Description Examples
Al-Madd Al-Asli (المد الأصلي) Occurs naturally in the Quranic text when a vowel is followed by a letter that allows for elongation. The elongation is typically for 2, 4, or 6 counts. الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ
Al-Madd Al-Far’i (المد الفرعي) Occurs due to specific rules such as the presence of Hamzah or Sukoon following the vowel, extending the sound beyond its natural length. مَسْجِدٍ
Al-Madd Al-Tabi’i (المد الطبيعي) Natural elongation that occurs when the vowel is followed by another vowel without any additional rules influencing the length. سَمَاوَاتٍ
Al-Madd Al-Iwad (المد العوض) Occurs as a replacement for a missing vowel sound, typically when a vowel is replaced by another vowel sound to maintain the rhythm and flow. حِجْرٍ

Pronunciation Guide

To apply Al-Madd correctly:

  1. Identify the type of Madd based on the context of the vowel and the following letters.
  2. Extend the vowel sound smoothly, maintaining the appropriate count for each type of Madd.
  3. Ensure that the elongation does not disrupt the flow of the recitation, keeping the sound clear and melodious.

Examples of Al-Madd

Here are some examples of Al-Madd from the Quran:

Al-Madd Al-Asli

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ

al-hamdu lillah All praise is due to Allah

Al-Madd Al-Far’i

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio


masjid mosque

Al-Madd Al-Tabi’i

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio


samaawaati heavens

Al-Madd Al-Iwad

Arabic Transliteration Meaning Audio


hijr stone

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Ignoring the specific rules of elongation for different types of Madd.
  • Overextending or underextending the vowel sound.
  • Failing to maintain smoothness and clarity in the elongation.

Tips for Mastering Al-Madd

  1. Familiarize yourself with the different types of Madd and their characteristics.
  2. Practice elongation with a focus on the correct count for each type of Madd.
  3. Listen to proficient Quran reciters and observe their application of Madd.
  4. Record and review your recitations to ensure proper application of Madd.
  5. Seek guidance from a qualified tajweed teacher for personalized feedback and correction.


Al-Madd is a crucial aspect of tajweed that enhances the rhythm and clarity of Quranic recitation. By understanding and applying the different types of Madd correctly, reciters can ensure their pronunciation is accurate and harmonious. Regular practice and attentive listening are essential for mastering this important rule.